Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Strange Vitamin B induced vivid dream, number.....

no idea what number dream I'm up to actually.

I've been taking Vitamin B supplements as part of the pregnancy, and man, has my brain been having fun with it.

Last night I dreamt that Sinead O'Connor was not only a famous singer and musician, but she was also playing in town and available to do healings if you just rang her up. So of course, I ring her up and request a healing for my skin irritation, and she's all happy and sweet on the phone. In my dream we can see the split screen version of her on the phone to me and me on the phone to her. Of course.
I say something like, 'well I'd like to see you as soon as possible really....'
and she says, 'sure, what day suits you?'
and so I say, 'well Sunday would be great but I think you'd be busy on Sunday morning wouldn't you?' (remembering that she's like an ordained minister in some Christian sideline church, and might be marrying a couple or giving a sermon or something)
She replies that yes, it will have to be another day because Sunday she will be busy. She gives no details.
We end the conversation with smiles and 'see you soons' and other pleasantries.

I then go out to the train station, that is really weird because the overhead bridge is not 'overhead' but across the track. I assume this is just fine and that it tilts up and open like London Bridge does to let the trains come through. Then I see my train arrive and it's on the other platform, so I start to run over the bridge. It doesn't tilt up but the train gets through fine, and I get across fine. Ah the miracles of an unfettered mind.....
The train is pulling lots of carriages of large, hollow, plastic mouldings, and a couple of passenger carriages too. I alight onto one of the passenger ones, and realise that I'm travelling this all with the autistic boy from my daughter's school, except he's about 18 now in the dream and not autistic. He's just kind of blank and quiet.

And so the train begins to move. And I wake up and need to pee. As is the case now that I'm seven and a half months, and I always need to urinate.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Baby news

Got a Doula
For those of you who do not know what a Doula is, she is a woman who traditionally helps another woman give birth. They can be a innocuous as someone who 'provides support' to a birthing woman while being attended to by a midwife or 'doctor', or she can be full on, involved, doing the actual birthing stuff WITH the woman who's having the baby. Cool.

I think I'll leave it a few more weeks to let my sigh of relief fully reverberate around every part of me and then I'll write some more. :)

Due date is April 11th and I'm feeling good.