Sunday, March 04, 2007

ee! ah! oo! uh! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

Just reviewed my statement above about being a target. Now I think I might change it to something

Business has revved up. I have become busier. I have become more sober. I have lost weight and feel better. All successes. Then I have episodes of implosion. is this just a balance of experience? Let's hope so.

So maybe I should state something like,

"I am the focus for all supportive and beautiful energy attracted to my unique frequency signature. Stand me up in the light and let waves of pure abundance wash towards me! I am ready to be supremely wealthy in perfect ways"

Oh how new age. I luv it.

1 comment:

Sister Buckle said...

How about doing some positive thinking with husband? I can almost hear you saying "It's not the right time and he's not giving back" but that's not very positive. That may be a big elephant you have to see in the middle of the room.

I think this is the real thing you guys need to think positive about - a bit of repair before abundance?? He could see it as you going off into your own world, wheras you 'need' to go there to regenerate. You dude have to get on the same level somehow.

He needs to meet you - very much so. And you need to meet him. And avoid the negative thoughts about it being helpless - things die if you go and kill 'em! Life's tragically simple in that way.

Love, Me.