Monday, December 25, 2006

Ah quiet. Peace and cicadas chirping. I can hear the heat laying itself around me. This is Christmas time. You can tell the single people are still in bed. You can just feel their slumber.

Will has his 'motorbike men' and even a motorbike mouse action figure too. Charlotte got her 'bling-bling' Barbie car,.......and Will has given motorbike mouse a ride in it. He got his action figure to ask Barbie very politely for a ride in 'yors BIG SHINY car!'.
Rob got a book, and shirts, and deoderant. :)
I got shirts, and a new ironing board cover.
You know, I really wanted a new ironing board cover, and it came all the way from England for me. Hows that eh? It has roses on it.

We've had prawns and salad yesterday, a sit on the swing chair and a swig of chardonnay. Rob and I commented to each other how nice it was to be just sitting around and enjoying the christmas eve day. It's the first time in years that we have been able to do this. Rob and I worked in the hotel industry, so this was always a busy day. Then he worked for a bottle shop, then he worked as a guard for a shopping centre, and always had to go and lock up etc.
NONE of THAT this year.

Ahhhhhhhhhh. *big deep breath and hitch of the waistband*
How's the Serenity then?

Hope you all have at least some time to wind down and slurp something delicious over the holiday season.
Love and Light to All. :)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Music of Cubes

Part of my brain spider is the interest one leg has in Sacred Geometry.
I was looking at the study of Cymatics, the way sound waves produce physical pattern, and was intrigued to find out that the only Hebrew and Sanskrit languages actually produce the symbol for their vowel sounds when put through the technique for producing physical representations of sound waves. Totally cool.
So anyway, back to brain spider and research as one does.... and I come across a link that is about the whole 'Da Vinci Code' phenomena and I nearly just clicked away again but for a small little thing that caught my eye. The Rosslyn Chapel and a sacred geometry link due to the actual architecture of the place. That actually caught my eye, the link between the architecture and sound, via the study of Cymatics that I'd just been researching.

Here's the link to listen to the music 'of the architecture' inside the Rosslyn Chapel. It's very lovely. Close your eyes and you will fly.

Lots of Love from Chinut

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Been and Gone

That's sort of like stating the names of my two best friends. Oddly enough, I like things to end. It gives me a sense that something has happened.

Recently we had a situation where the planets were all 'moving' forward at the same time for a whole seventeen days. I thought of the energy in the cosmos that would be around at such a time, and immediately I got a sense of 'progression'. (d'uh) I used this time period to really focus on what I wanted to achieve in the future, what I wanted to release from the past etc., and it was a very positive and cathartic thing to do.

I did a collage of all my desires, wants, and wishes etc. I was looking at it today with resignation that it represents more work to be done. I don't mind at all.....but it was like looking at photos from a great holiday and realising that it will take another year of saving to repeat the performance and feel that way again.
Resigned yet hopefull.

+ perhaps its this waning moon. I feel the tide going out and don't know if the feeling comes from a kind of relief that there is a 'low tide' to the energy, or, if I'm kind of sad about all the little fishies swimming away......