Saturday, September 23, 2006

Duality in Balance

It's the Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere tonight-ish. I feel so at Peace with the Universe and conversely want to rip something's head off. Ahh.

Night and Day in equal quantities, and so how do I honour this passing of balance in the year? I clean my kitchen whilst my daughter gently hums one of Kate's songs. "in a sea-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee of honey-eeeeee, a sky-iiiiiiiiiiiiii of honey-eeeeeeeeeeee.........with shad-does, long and lowwwwwwww.." She's creating something beautiful with water colours and she's all dressed in little girl pink.

I clean my little Buddha and shine his belly, light some Darshan incense and look around, so grateful for this awkward and quaint little house I live in.

D lish. :)

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