Saturday, April 27, 2013

The New Reality

We had an eclipse yesterday, and it was a slightly odd day...amongst the mundanity, there were moments of 'ooooh...something's happening' happening. YKWIM? The dreams last night were immense. I think I had the most lucid ones early in the morning ... as usual.

First one I remember is flying like a helicopter, over the cerulean blue ocean and headland...onwards to a futuristic building, lots of glass and glass and glass, shiny shiny glass and metal structure with stone steps and paving. Manicured gardens and hedges, all 'nice' and 'tidy'. But massive, I'm talking on a BIG scale like an enormous hotel complex.
Once inside I was with a child who may or may not have been mine, and we were faced with getting to our room. Strangely, it seemed like this place was one huge 5 Star rated refugee camp, designed by those smart Scandis at IKEA. The travelator / escalator was intimidating, like the moving stairs at Hogwarts, you jumped on and then had to jump off into a selected 'drawer' which had railing on it to stop you falling out. Then the drawer would 'float' up to an area on the wall where a mechanism would pop open the panelling to reveal a kind of lift, then 'swoosh' in went the person on the drawer 'thing'...obiviously up to an apartment I expected, or knew.
I was getting a little vertigo just watching the people doing this then a couple of odd things occurred. One line up to get onto the drawer/lift thingy had people queuing with shopping trollies full of food, and the other line had people with small hand luggage. SO I realised I'd been standing in the wrong queue with my child...and moved. We ended up receiving help to get onto the travelator thing and then the dream ended as we were going inside the 'wall panel lift thing'. Blooomp. Stop. I expect that was because we'd 'made it' to wherever we were going ;)

The second dream was staged at my Gran's house, (I often dream of this house as I spent a lot of my childhood there, and now it isn't in the family anymore, and I don't physically go there, but I am often astral visiting it)...but it was different of course. For one thing there was an enormous stuffed stingray mounted on the wall that would have been above her stove, but in the dream it was a fireplace with mantle...and the enormous stuffed stingray... It gets odder. I tried to get rid of the stuffed stingray by squashing it all up and flushing it down the loo...but only succeeded in making my sister roll her eyes at me, and so I retrieved the stingray and re-mounted it on the wall above the fireplace. My brother and I were reminicing about the nice bedroom we used to sleep in when we visited our Gran, and I remember in the dream that my brother and I spoke quite easily with each other (which doesn't generally happen in real life).  If this is a New Reality, then it would be a confusing one ;]

I liked my first dream better. Much less frustrating. :) I always love a dream where I fly of course ;} And it is a much easier dream to interpret...
I love freedom and that was the flying part, out over a beautiful ocean. My life at the moment is constricting my sense of freedom but instead of feeling bad about the suburban way of life I've seen it as a comfortable and neccessary sanctuary at this time of my life. This is I think the symbolism of the neatly ordered refugee hotel complex where some of the structures and processes are intimidating but ultimately I am doing this 'thing' with many others and we are all making our way 'to somewhere' of our own.

Looking forward to maintaining a place for myself and my babies in this world, where there is peace and freedom and safety. In perspective, I have this now, already, so in effect I will enjoy furthering this towards more independance and ease of life...yeah, more cloudwatching, gardening and reading books :) That'll be 'the life'.

Happy dreaming xxx