Friday, January 27, 2012

Just gonna leave it all up to Heaven

Patterns in Life reoccurring...

we get financially 'ok', feel good, start to get those restless feet.
move house. usually to somewhere we deep down know we can't afford.
financially fuq up to a massive degree.
usually there is a new baby in the mix somewhere ready to be born or just arrived.
therefore sleep dep is prevalent.
therefore my head doesn't f ing work properly.

is this all Perception skewed or am I really having yet another 'pattern cycle' occurrence?

damn it...

Surely we've got enough 'universal brownie points' to qualify for even a moderate win on the Lotto to pull us out of the crap this time? yes?


So, gonna leave it all up to Heaven, and let the Angels take care of it all in Perfect Ways.

When I'm in these moments of panicked reflection, I remember that it makes me not take notice of all those things that ARE really how fast and cute Wil is, how his blonde curls weren't ever going to last forever, and how much I appreciate loving them for as long as they lasted :)