Monday, August 11, 2008

Pumpkin on my shoulder

and other interesting titles...

Its funny how many interesting titles float past the mind when babies are in the house. I've had several titles for posts that have never been written because I just didn't get the time.
There was 'the joy of sparkly nail polish' or 'raiding your eight year old's cosmetics'.
'No, its not poo on my shirt cuff....I've had curry'.
Sorry to say the mind is like a sieve and the whole episode has completely escaped me now...

And now. Pumpkin on my shoulder. Sing it in the frame of that song 'teardrops on my shoulder, make me happeeeeee'
We've also been singing 'Pooooo glorious Pooooooo, smelly, runny and glugggeeeeee'
(food glorious food from Oliver!)
Then there's been the classic....
'BUM FREE! as free as the wind blows, as free as the POOOOO flows, as free as can BEEEEEEEE'. (born free)

Certifiable eh. Its all very poo oriented, but parenting is like one lets you know that after you have a baby you CAN (and will) have a 3 hour conversation about the bowel movements of your child...and you think its completely ok to talk about it too...