Friday, October 05, 2007

good shit

unlimited ultimate perfection easily

What it is, is the message communicated to me a couple of days ago regarding a problem I've been trying very hard to solve. I have been suffering with a dermatitis for years, on and off, feeling that even though it was a physical symptom, I could access it's 'release' by addressing the emotional and/or spiritual issue that triggered it.
After pretty much years of doing just this, I am pretty much out of any other things that I can readily think of to 'address'. So I had a long chat with myself. I said " Look, it's gotta stop, I can't take it anymore". And then - 'fffffffffff' in comes the little message above.
To me this meant something quite oblique, because I had used these words in affirmations regarding healing myself etc., but this time it unlocked it for me.

I have to use the spiritual to direct the physical.

So damn simple I almost cried. I've of course done this a hundred and one different ways, but not in the way that seems to be working now. :)
I've used meditation in a very directive way. I direct my body to stop detoxing via my skin, and only work efficiently through my kidneys and bladder, stomach/liver and intestines, to remove any toxic build up via excrement and urine. That's it. That's all I'm doing , and it's got results in one day. I'm directing my body to release the pressure on my skin by only detoxing via the internal organs and removing waste via my urine and excrement. (lets's just say that all together for effect - excrement)

So 'my body now detoxifies itself via my internal organs, removing the majority of waste via my urine and excrement'. It's so simple to remember and easy to say in the mind. :) I'm inputting things like 'my body is balanced and works efficiently in all ways' as well. Feels good!