Friday, September 07, 2007

One more time with just as much feeling

This photo just so deserves a second posting don't you think? :)

Oh sweeeet synchronicity!

Ahw it's a great great thing when stuff comes together in a positive way.
Last year I had a tax agent prepare my tax return incorrectly, and it was causing a few headaches this year for me. So after TWO DAYS of trying to sort it out by myself with the help of the ATO I was at a point where I couldn't complete my return for this year, and I was possibly going to be up for a penalty fine from last year (which wasn't my bloody fault). Finally, I get to 'the helpful person' at the ATO and he explains that I really must go back to the tax agency and get them to ammend the previous return and sort it out.
'so do I have to pay them to do this?'
'I'm sorry, I'm unable to say what they may charge you for this' says the ATO 'helpful person'.
Off I go, make the appointment with tax agency who don't know what they're doing. My confidence in them to fix this is not high.
I front up to the appointment, but happily, as a course of 'how the universe works in strange and positive ways....', I have completely OD'd on Rescue Remedy because of the nausea from the pregancy, and am more Zenned than a Zen Monk. I am just like SO Zen. I AM Balance. I AM Calm. I AM Invincible, and all the world shall bow to my requests....

Ding-dong agent goes through the motions of excuses etc. 'I think last year they did X and Y to just save you money....' 'I think they were trying to make it simple and easy for you...'
Yeah, nice and simple. Two days of stress and worry and eurrgk. Gee, thanks. So he finishes the ammendment and says quietly without any kahunas at all...'um, I'll er just charge you $85 for that...'
I sit. In total Zen I say quietly.
'You're really going to charge me for that?'
And the pitiful wall falls. He says mumblingly, 'oh, alright, um yeah, it's ok, um I won't argue with you...we'll just leave it....'
Then a little chit chat ensued with him reiterating what a great deal he'd offered, and me reiterating that he could have got the full amount last year and this year if they'd done they're job properly. Very quietly though. Very calm.
So wonderful wonderful. For 85 bucks I'd expect a full therapeutic massage goddammit.

And the refund for that network company came through too. I will never do that again. So all's good. "Back to Norman", as the RugRats say...

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Red Moon Eclipse Magic

During the week we had a full eclipse of the Moon and it turned a beautifully sacred shade of red, obtained a very overt 'spherical' appeal, and just made me feel queasy, but nice queasy....or that could have been a protein overload and sugar low due to the pregnancy....


the real thing is that it produced a lot of 'aligning' energy.

Things just 'lined up' for a lot of people. (see Mystic Medusa's comments page here)

My own experience was quite groovy too.

I named my consultancy Holistic Therapy Connections with the intention that one day I might be able to run a boutique kind of advertising for practitioners of natural, traditional or alternative therapies, who were, like me, combining subtle therapies to produce long term health and progression. During the week prior to the eclipse I spoke with one of my sisters again about this concept and how I'd love to attract some interested people to advertise in the MiniZine now that I feel it has matured into a 'good enough' e-publication to access people who are specifically interested in this kind of healing.

The night of the eclipse I get a phonecall out of the blue from a lady in Victoria looking to obtain some advertising for her husband who is a holistic healer and will be running some workshops up here soon. And yes, could they pay me for an advertisement in the MiniZine?

Why yes, of course you may. :)
Then my teacher sends out her email regarding the 12 month sabbatical she is taking next year to write her book, and directs her entire mailing list (3000+ worldwide) to sign up for my MiniZine so that they can get 'more in-depth Flying Stars knowledge than I myself have ever gone into'. Well yay Carole. I've been a busy girl since. It also is just beautiful to have this boost to my mailing list so effortlessly. Effortless progression. Love it love it love it.

I love the Universe and the way it all works. So very cool baby.

And, I've made a gem essence using a gorgeous Elestial Quartz that had grown on a matrix of natural Citrine, and added a little Black Tourmaline as well. Matured over 5 nights of the Full Moon (2 nights before the Full and 2 nights after...) with the Mother Elixir made with Vodka to promote that clear clear clear pearly Moon energy. It just felt right...and it will be able to get used in room sprays as vibrational 'lifter, clearer, and nourisher' as it won't have the smell of Brandy, which is usually what the essences are made on.

It's currently being supercharged by a hexagonal matrix of Clear Quartz points, Reiki'd often, and sent some lovely healing, 'full-of-gratitude' kind of thoughts all the time too. It is so loved. :)